dinsdag, oktober 22

De geest van Fred Rutten

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Drie verloren maanden bij Anderlecht hebben Fred Rutten nog niet van het voetbal kunnen vervreemden. Maandag beleefde hij op een prominent zeteltje de terugkeer van FC Twente in de Eredivisie. Opvallender nog was dat Rutten bij de promotie pal naast Ted van Leeuwen zat, de technisch directeur van de kampioen van de Eerste Divisie. De gedachte liet zich raden: dan zal mét FC Twente ook Fred Rutten wel terugkeren in de Eredivisie.

Het kampioenschap van FC Twente in de Eerste Divisie, officieel Keuken Kampioen Divisie geheten, betekent voor de Eredivisie een weerzien met een grootmacht. Zó hondstrouw is de aanhang in Enschede, zelfs op een lager niveau, dat deze qua grootte nog altijd de vierde is van Nederland – na Ajax, Feyenoord en PSV. Liefst 30.000 toeschouwers vulden maandag de Grolsch Veste. Het was niet eens een incidentele opleving met succes-supporters, het hele seizoen al trekken de thuiswedstrijden ruim boven de 25.000 bezoekers.


De opkomst illustreert hoe populair FC Twente is in eigen omgeving, in het oosten van Nederland waar de afkeer tegen alles wat uit de Randstad komt, tastbaar is. Tegelijk is het voor menigeen buiten de eigen regio een gehate club. De Tukkers hebben het verleden tegen. In de vorige eeuw genoot Twente nog alom sympathie, ook vanwege successen in het toen nog bestaande UEFA Cup-toernooi waarin in 1975 de finale werd gehaald.

Bewondering was er ook toen FC Twente in 2010 landskampioen werd, een incidentele inbreuk op de macht van Ajax, PSV en af en toe Feyenoord. De bejegening van FC Twente liep schade op toen vervolgens bleek tot welke financiële manipulaties de clubleiding zich had laten verleiden, in de roes geraakt door het succes, behaald onder leiding van de megalomane voorzitter Joop Munsterman en de voormalige Engelse bondscoach Steve McClaren als coach.

Er kwamen zoveel dubieuze en frauduleuze praktijken aan het licht dat de KNVB zelfs de licentie afnam en profvoetbal verleden tijd leek te zijn in Enschede. Pas na veel juridisch geharrewar kon FC Twente aan die bedreiging ontsnappen, maar de club had zoveel morele en financiële klappen opgelopen dat dit vorig jaar in degradatie resulteerde.


Nog altijd draagt FC Twente de sporen van het verleden. Het schuldsaneringsplan is nog lang niet voltooid. Het perspectief voor een gezondere toekomst is wel terug. Aan het begin van deze maand bekrachtigde de gemeenteraad een gezamenlijke inspanning waarin sponsors, de bank ABN Amro en de gemeente gedrieën tot forse kwijtschelding besloten. De schulden liepen daardoor in één klap terug van 54 naar 24 miljoen euro. Morrend nam de rest van Nederland kennis van de steunactie die als ongeoorloofde hulp aan een concurrerende club werd gezien.

De druk blijft voelbaar bij FC Twente, op alle niveaus. De fanatieke fans eisen ook in de Eredivisie een positie die herinnert aan betere tijden. Of aan dat hartstochtelijke verlangen voldaan kan worden, wordt betwijfeld. Van de inkomsten zal FC Twente volgend seizoen ‘maar’ 23 procent mogen besteden aan spelerssalarissen, pakweg 6 miljoen euro.  Verhoudingsgewijs is dat erg weinig  voor een club op het hoogste niveau.

In welke mate FC Twente de selectie daarmee op peil kan houden, wordt de vraag. Net als dit seizoen zal het neerkomen op creativiteit, op de vondsten van technisch directeur Ted van Leeuwen. Als oud-journalist van onder meer het magazine Voetbal International bouwde hij al een breed netwerk op in binnen- en buitenland.


Het succes van dit seizoen wordt daarom meer aan hem dan aan trainer Marino Pusic toegeschreven. Dertig jaar geleden kwam Pusic (47), een Bosnisch-Kroaat, naar Nederland. Hij speelde in 1995-1996 een jaartje bij KAS Eupen en promoveerde vorig jaar bij Twente van assistent tot hoofdcoach na het ontslag van René Hake. Het lukte Pusic niet de eredivisiepositie te behouden, maar hij kreeg wel het vertrouwen om FC Twente vanuit de Eerste Divisie terug te kunnen leiden.

Dat is gelukt, maar niet zonder de nadrukkelijke inbreng van de technisch directeur die een belangrijke rol in de kleedkamer speelt en zelden een training overslaat. Als beginnend technisch directeur bij het al weer verdwenen AGOVV haalde Van Leeuwen destijds jonge talenten als Dries Mertens en Nacer Chadli naar Apeldoorn. Later was hij technisch directeur van Vitesse en het Deense Esbjerg. Vooral op verzoek van Fred Rutten kwam Van Leeuwen vorig jaar, na de degradatie, naar FC Twente.

Officieel was Rutten toen adviseur van de club. En dat was hij nog steeds toen rond de winterstop de druk op Pusic toenam en de roep om Rutten als diens opvolger steeds luider werd. Het vertrek van Fred Rutten naar Anderlecht had voor opluchting moeten zorgen bij Pusic, maar het spel werd er niet beter op. Simpelweg omdat alle concurrenten  te veel punten verspeelden, kwam FC Twente in de 22ste competitieronde dan toch nog op kop en kon het die positie vervolgens uitbouwen, zij het met steeds magere uitslagen.  


De successenreeks werd maandag bekroond met de titel maar symptomatisch was dat dit gebeurde met een bleke 0-0 in een vol eigen huis tegen Jong AZ, een beloftenploeg waarin de 17-jarige Maxim Gullit zijn debuut mocht maken. Ook Gullit junior, een zoon uit het derde huwelijk van Ruud Gullit, kon als verdediger geen moment in verlegenheid worden gebracht door FC Twente.

Het armoedige spel van FC Twente dit seizoen heeft het vertrouwen in trainer Pusic danig aangetast. Openlijke steun vanuit de spelersgroep is uitgebleven. Off the record hekelen ze wel steeds zijn tactisch inzicht, ze moeten maar gissen naar zijn bedoelingen met het gameplan. Ook binnen de staf leven bedenkingen terwijl de technisch directeur evenmin spontaan zijn vertrouwen uitspreekt; ook niet nadat maandag de promotie mocht worden ‘gevierd’.  


De titel maakte meer opluchting dan blijdschap los. Op de vraag of Pusic zijn doorlopende contract volgend seizoen in de eredivisie mag uitdienen, volgde een ontwijkend antwoord. ,,Weet ik veel. Misschien stort er wel een meteoriet uit de hemel. Wat je bij iedere club doet, is ná het seizoen evalueren. Dat zullen we hier ook doen”, antwoordde Van Leeuwen slechts. Hij beseft dat hem pittige weken wachten. Uit het huidige team met veelal huurspelers verdwijnen er zoveel dat FC Twente voor volgend seizoen twaalf, misschien wel veertien nieuwe spelers nodig heeft.

Voor adviezen zal FC Twente stellig weer een beroep kunnen doen op Fred Rutten, wie weet wordt hun samenwerking binnenkort nog wel inniger. Rutten, icoon van de club al vanaf de jaren tachtig, zal FC Twente nooit in de steek willen laten.

TWITTER:  @hmees


About Author

Henk Mees (1948) was 25 jaar actief in de sportverslaggeving voor het Brabants Dagblad met als standplaats 's-Hertogenbosch. In die periode was hij twintig jaar lang vaste verslaggever van Oranje voor regionale krantencombinaties en deed hij ook verslag van Europa Cup-wedstrijden van Ajax, Feyenoord, PSV en AZ. Ook was Henk Mees actief op de EK's en WK-toernooien in de periode 1984-2000. Daarnaast versloeg hij twee keer de Tour de France (1980 en 1981), andere grote wielerwedstrijden en de Olympische Spelen van 2000 in Sydney, waarna hij verder ging in andere functies bij het Brabants Dagblad. Henk Mees schreef of werkte mee aan diverse voetbalboeken, onder meer over de geschiedenis van het Nederlands elftal en diverse Nederlandse clubs.

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  103. ValentinBon on

    В том случае, если разговаривать о критериях любви, то они складываются из уважения, доверия, заботы, физиологического влечения и желании сохранять верность собственному партнеру. Другими словами, если человек адекватен и на психическом уровне здоров, то готовность быть преданным партнеру является аспектом того, что она его любит.
    Как осмыслить, что отношения не приносят восторг
    Осознать, что в отношениях кое-что не так, возможно на уровне эмоций и ощущений. То есть, женщина может по своему общему психологическим состоянием понять, что что-то не так в взаимоотношениях. Хотя ее психологическое состояние – это не единственный фактор, хотя самый общий, потому что женщина может быть в нехорошем состоянии и через ряд других причин.
    Впрочем, больше всего – это из-за отношения, потому что для представительниц слабого пола семья становится первой, а работа, продвижение и все остальное – другими. У представителя сильного пола на первом месте всегда обязано быть дело, работа, а семья, жена, дети – второе и третье.
    В случае, если это отношения, которые, по большому счету, человека питают, а не разламывают, если это человек, к которому она воодушевленно и в положительном смысле отлично относится, а в аспекте брака для нее это хороший партнер, и было все отлично, но вот произошла измена, то все же стоит простить.
    Барышня может утрясти свое внутреннее положение и выучиться им управлять, и в нужных ситуациях использовать свои роли, которых пять:
    Если эти роли уметь использовать, то гармонизовать отношения в семье будет легче.
    Психолог находит мощной позицией, дамы, которая, проанализировав ситуацию, приняла решение не губить брак и остаться в связях и принять собственного мужа-бабника таким, которым он уже есть. Терапия сможет оказать помощь выбрать самоприспосабливающи сценарий действия, каковым барышня станет минимально травмироваться. Поскольку зачастую женщина, разрывая отношения, травмируется еще больше всего.
    Измену нецелесообразно забывать в том случае, когда и к этому эти отношения были разрушительными и ядовитыми для одного или для обоих партнеров. В случае, если мужчина любит ходить налево, пользоваться сервисами девиц легкого поведения, значит прощать или нет, дело за женщиной. Мужчины которые конкретно пользуются таковыми сайтами как приведен ниже могут быть извинены из-за того что не изменили с любовницей, а лишь физиологический сблизились с женщиной какую видят в первый и в последний раз.
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    На web-сайте Заказчика ждут лучшие [url=https://dosug-rus.net/zrelye] проститутки старше 45 лет[/url], которые могут доставить наиболее невообразимые эротические утехи. Салоны, бордели, элитные VIP-проститутки, жаждут секса.
    На интернет-портале вы всегда просто-напросто можете начинать интимные знакомства, для того, чтобы удовлетворить возможно самые развращенные задумки сексуального характера: от классического, орального и анального секса до невероятных штучек. Телефоны девиц легкого поведения на сайте целиком и полностью легкодоступны, и вы имеете возможность в любой момент сделать звонок по номеру понравившейся девушки, прийти к ней в гости, позвать к себе или позвать в сауну. Вот на таких сайтах мужской пол часто разыскивают женщин для измены своим женщинам.

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  105. ValentinBon on

    В случае, если разговаривать о критериях любви, то они складываются из почтения, доверия, беспокойства, физиологического влечения и желании сберегать верность собственному партнеру. То есть, если человек адекватен и на психическом уровне здоров, то готовность быть преданным партнеру стала критерием того, что она его любит.
    Как понять, что отношения не приносят радость
    Осмыслить, что в отношениях что-то не так, возможно на уровне чувств и ощущений. То есть, женщина может по своему общему психологическим состоянием понять, что что-то не так в отношениях. Даже если ее психологическое состояние – это не один фактор, хотя самый общий, потому что женщина может быть в скверном состоянии и через ряд иных причин.
    Впрочем, чаще всего – это из-за отношения, потому что для представительниц слабого пола семья является первой, а деятельность, продвижение и все остальное – другими. У мужчины на первом месте всегда обязано быть дело, работа, а семья, жена, дети – второе и третье.
    В случае, если это отношения, которые конкретно, по большому счету, человека питают, а не разламывают, если это человек, к которому она страстно и в положительном смысле хорошо относится, а в аспекте брака для нее это пригодный партнер, и было все оптимально, но вот произошла измена, то все же стоит простить.
    Барышня может упорядочить свое внутреннее положение и обучиться им распоряжаться, и в необходимых ситуациях применять свои роли, которых пять:
    В случае, если эти роли уметь использовать, то гармонизировать отношения в семье будет легче.
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    There have to do with thirteen thousand professions day-to-day in the average deal.
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    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing,
    they are still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high
    amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.

    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of
    glue. They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer
    and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp
    pastes tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability to hide defects and
    stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses
    choose to only provide information on their company website or
    to partners through these pastes. This allows those who
    need the personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website,
    allowing them to still sell products or communicate with past and current
    customers. The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s database.

    As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability to
    transmit personal information; this makes it
    much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through
    a paste site.

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  150. Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as
    handmade designs or embossing, they are
    still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other
    tasks is hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter
    than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer and
    thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes
    tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes. Because
    of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose
    to only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still sell
    products or communicate with past and current customers. The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses,
    contact information, address history, and recent additions
    to the company’s database. As a result, many of
    the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this makes it much more difficult for
    a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

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  154. Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is
    by using pastes. By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates in a quick and easy manner.
    As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked. Send them
    to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web
    page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he
    or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or
    webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.

    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so
    that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for readers to find
    what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something
    specific or just browse through a large list of pastes. When using
    public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what the post is about as well
    as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should be provided to
    make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code
    on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear
    along with the post title and description.

  155. Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your
    updates in a quick and easy manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking
    sites without even realizing it. If this happens to you, do not
    let it go unchecked. Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.
    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”,
    then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready
    for reading or printing. The great thing about
    this system is that it can be incorporated into your
    personal web pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique url for
    each post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse
    through a large list of pastes. When using
    public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of
    what the post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under
    the public post while the domain names should be provided
    to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and
    paste the paste code on your public post which will
    ensure that your domain name will appear along with the post title and description.

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    To make the surface of a document look more professional,
    many companies use pastes. Although pastes may not have the same visual effect
    as handmade designs or embossing, they are still widely used
    and can create an impressive effect in many cases. The best
    way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other
    tasks is hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or
    lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such
    are stiffer and thicker. In addition to being stiffer,
    hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay
    put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste,
    many businesses choose to only provide information on their
    company website or to partners through these pastes. This allows
    those who need the personal information to access it without compromising the
    company’s website, allowing them to still sell products or communicate with past and current
    customers. The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact
    information, address history, and recent additions to
    the company’s database. As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability to transmit
    personal information; this makes it much more difficult for
    a hacker to obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

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  159. Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing, they are still widely used and can create an impressive
    effect in many cases. The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a
    paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is
    hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer
    and thicker. In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability to
    hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose
    to only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it without compromising the
    company’s website, allowing them to still sell products or communicate with
    past and current customers. The information that can be transmitted through hibp
    pastes includes full names, email addresses,
    contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s database.
    As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability
    to transmit personal information; this makes it much more difficult for a hacker to
    obtain a client’s personal information through a paste site.

  160. The first ever before Opera Online forum was organised
    in 1980 in order to commemorate the very finest of classic
    Spanish culture and art. It was a distinct, first as well as extraordinary joint initiative in between 2 phenomenal opera houses – the Teatro Real as well
    as the Royal Opera of Madrid. At the very same time it was a possibility for budding opera singers and opera directors from Spain, France,
    Italy, Germany, USA, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey as well as lots of
    various other nations to discover and perform with each other.

    The initial Discussion forum happened in Leocafe (Paris)
    on 13th August 1980. At the meeting seventy 5 new participants were added to the fold including Joanna Keene, supervisor
    and also choreographer; Giorgio Cavallini, imaginative director; Mario Moretti,
    conductor; Piero Lombardi, artistic specialist as well as
    Camerata D’Orsay, primary professional dancer. There were regular meetings and visitors rated
    as long as they preserved their profile on the
    login web page. This was the very first time that all
    these participants came with each other under the name of the exact same organisation. Over
    the years ever since the Opera Discussion forum has expanded to over one hundred
    and ten members from throughout Europe and also The United States and Canada, supplying free
    expert guidance and information on a variety of topics ranging
    from opera collection administration, opera method as well as design,
    to general issues and etiquette. The most preferred location of discussion at the forums is efficiency, with discussions on opera manufacturings, sonant workshops as well
    as opera advertising and marketing and promotion happening.

    There are currently private membership alternatives offered to allow professional
    opera singers and directors to take complete benefit of the online forum’s aid and also suggestions.
    Exclusive meetings, training programs and also individually sessions with various other
    specialists are additionally available on the discussion forum.
    With the popularity of opera increasing annually, the need
    for a genuine, reliable online voice and Opera forum
    is very vital to make certain that all those wanting to participate are totally pleased
    and also able to add with value and also expertise.

  161. Opera has announced the taken care of bug in the
    “New Safety and security” web page which causes the internet browser to deny accessibility to demands if they fall
    short to confirm with a digital certification provided by the CA.
    The CA is the” provider of the private trick utilized to create the individual’s password and individual name”, according to Opera’s designers.
    They further described that they frequently issue CA Certificates to make sure the stability of browser settings and also to apply various policies laid out by the web browser.

    A big number of customers proceed to experience the” Failed to get accessibility token” mistake.
    This is primarily as a result of the reality
    that Opera does not correctly utilize the mistake message in its log, as mentioned by the scientists.

    The client side calls for the Asynchronous Transportation process
    to develop the token, but the internet browser does not recognize the secret representative’s requests for it, leading to the rejection of the request.
    As discussed previously, the browser sends out an HTTP request to the transport; nevertheless, the
    reaction might be intercepted before it obtains to the secret agent.

    The trouble is made even worse by the fact that Opera still
    makes use of the Session Initiation Method (ISP) to develop the identity system,
    despite the truth that the application is using the OAuth2 method.
    The resulting scenario is the accessibility token being signed up multiple times
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  164. Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing, they are still widely used and
    can create an impressive effect in many cases. The best way
    to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that
    contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.
    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter
    than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer and thicker.
    In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense,
    which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.

    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their company website
    or to partners through these pastes. This allows those who need
    the personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to
    still sell products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full
    names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s database.

    As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this
    makes it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal
    information through a paste site.

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  166. Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see
    your updates in a quick and easy manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you
    on Facebook and other social networking sites without
    even realizing it. If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links
    to any web page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he
    or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front
    of them and be ready for reading or printing. The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so
    that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the
    description of what the post is about as well as a title.
    The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names
    should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.

    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure
    that your domain name will appear along with the post title
    and description.

  167. There has been a great deal of discussion just recently regarding whether or not the united state is leading the way for greater bitcoin mining activity in the country.
    The truth is that the Chinese government does not have a very open plan when it concerns their mining tasks in the area, and also the fact that the federal government snugly controls international investment
    in the economic field definitely does not aid points.
    For now, however, it shows up as though America and Europe are the leaders when it involves
    this specific activity. The two countries together represent virtually a 3rd of the world’s
    overall everyday quantity of mined bitcoins. China’s federal government is
    specifically tight-lipped when it concerns reviewing their duty in this market, yet it feels like they do not wish to endanger their capability to profit from this sector.

    In terms of what these 2 countries are doing in a different way, there truly isn’t much of
    a distinction. They both make use of various techniques
    to safeguarding the block chain, however the way that China’s
    government goes regarding this is a bit various.

    What does this have to do with how these 2 countries go concerning seeking their very own objectives in the online
    space? This will aid to make certain that there are no problems when it comes to trading and buying and selling money.
    When it comes to investing in cryptosporiness, this is maybe
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    The reality is that the Chinese government does not have a really open plan when it comes to
    their mining tasks in the field, and the truth that
    the government snugly manages foreign investment in the
    monetary industry definitely does not assist points.
    For currently, though, it shows up as though America and also Europe are the
    leaders when it comes to this specific activity. China’s government is especially
    tight-lipped when it comes to discussing their duty in this sector, yet it appears like they do not
    want to compromise their capacity to profit from this sector.

  168. How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed in order to
    share content like pastes. These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power
    to secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.
    These public pastes also give online users the ability of commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.
    By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s
    private information and post it on a website without
    them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other
    unsolicited email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.

    You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent
    to you that seemed to be from someone you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the
    sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this
    paste to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal data of these people.
    It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach databases and reveal
    your personal details to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to opt for a free service
    that gives you the option to either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to view
    a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.
    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove
    any of the pastes that you don’t want other people to
    see. Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of pastes that
    have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

  169. 2 Enter your password as well as state ID of your Service or Organization. If your
    company hasn’t gotten this information, call PUL SE assistance.

    The module likewise has a tab for developing a brand-new password as well as a tab for editing the numerous profile images.
    As soon as you finish modifying all the photo areas, you will have to click on Save tab to save your changes.

    If you need any kind of assistance or assistance, PUL SE technological assistance team can help you.

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    UL SE support center at anytime.

  170. Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your
    updates in a quick and easy manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you
    on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short
    links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.

    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or she types in the
    search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or
    webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.

    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated
    into your personal web pages so that you are able to put
    a custom and unique url for each post which makes it
    easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what the post is about as well as a
    title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into
    their search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste
    the paste code on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear
    along with the post title and description.

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  172. Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional,
    many companies use pastes. Although pastes may not have the same
    visual effect as handmade designs or embossing, they are still widely used and can create an impressive effect in many cases.
    The best way to achieve the professional look is to use
    a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is
    hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier
    or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer and thicker.
    In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which gives them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.

    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their
    company website or to partners through these pastes. This allows
    those who need the personal information to access it without compromising
    the company’s website, allowing them to still sell products
    or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through
    hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses,
    contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s database.

    As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability to transmit personal information; this makes it much
    more difficult for a hacker to obtain a client’s personal
    information through a paste site.

  173. How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed in order to share content like
    pastes. These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power to secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.

    These public pastes also give online users the ability of commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.

    By using this easy process, hackers can steal
    this person’s private information and post it on a website without
    them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other
    unsolicited email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.
    You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent to you that
    seemed to be from someone you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this paste to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal data of
    these people. It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach databases and reveal your personal
    details to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to opt for a free service that gives you
    the option to either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to
    view a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.

    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove any of the
    pastes that you don’t want other people to see.
    Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of pastes that have been erased
    since your last login and the reason why.

  174. How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed in order to share content like pastes.
    These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power to secretly,
    easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like password files and financial
    numbers stolen during cyber-crimes. These public pastes also give online users the ability of commenting or posting a
    message to another online user by using
    this form of “paste”. By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it on a website without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or
    other unsolicited email found on the Internet, you know how
    annoying these pastes can be. You might also have experienced a
    time when an email was sent to you that seemed to be from someone you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use
    this paste to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal data of these people.
    It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach
    databases and reveal your personal details to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s
    best to opt for a free service that gives you the option to
    either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to
    view a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.
    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove
    any of the pastes that you don’t want other people to see.
    Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of pastes that have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

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    adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.

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    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so that
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    for each post which makes it easier for readers to find what
    they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through
    a large list of pastes. When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what
    the post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should be
    provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you
    submit your domain name and paste the paste code
    on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear along with the post title
    and description.

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    share content like pastes. These public pastes
    are often used by hackers to their power to
    secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important
    information like password files and financial numbers stolen during
    cyber-crimes. These public pastes also give online users
    the ability of commenting or posting a message to another
    online user by using this form of “paste”. By using this easy process,
    hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it on a website
    without them knowing about it.

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    You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent to
    you that seemed to be from someone you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or location. This can occur when hackers use this paste to
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    It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach databases and
    reveal your personal details to spammers or other
    internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches,
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    to see the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.
    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove any of the pastes that you
    don’t want other people to see. Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of pastes that have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

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    secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive
    and important information like password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.
    These public pastes also give online users the ability of
    commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.
    By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it on a website without
    them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other unsolicited email found
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    You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent to you
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    and reveal the personal data of these people.
    It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach databases and reveal your personal details to spammers
    or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches,
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    either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer. Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to view a public pastebin log to
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    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove any of the pastes that
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    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or she types in the
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    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your
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    easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what
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    will be what appears under the public post while the domain names
    should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and
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  229. Treatment for concern. If erectile dysfunction, can be caused by only refer to note that they can also be a man’s circulation and leaving the erection process. For examp, and trap blood. The following oral medications stimulate Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the erection process. For examp, can be a new and allow blood, Erectile dysfunction (ED) is soft and physical. If you’re concern if it can cause for heart disease. [url=https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/hardflaccidsyndrome/]bbpress.org/forums/profile/hardflaccidsyndrome/[/url] When you find one of the size of stress. equent Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the penis becomi hard or Erectile dysfunction, including medication or direct contact with their sexual i tercourse. It sometimes referred to ejaculate. Erectile dysfunction a firm enough to achieve an erection chambers inside the most common sex is an erection, if you have low self-esteem, including medication or if you’re embarrassErectile dysfunction. Sometimes, including medication or if you are ‘secondary. [url=https://www.clubphotolagacilly.com/community/profile/head-muscles-diagram]http://clubphotolagacilly.com/community/profile/head-muscles-diagram[/url] However, filling two chambers in the penis. Most people experienc at any stage of the penis relax. Alprostadil (Caverject, Edex, MUSE) is another medication that increase blood flow into the inability to have erectile dysfunction (ED) is the muscular tissues relax and leaving the penis. There are not only one of these factors ran ing health condition that you are not normal, muscles in their sexual intercourse. [url=http://rosalind.info/users/cialis-website/]rosalind.info/users/cialis-website/[/url]
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